So, Here’s Where we are Going…

  • TONIGHT: We will be having that gospel chat that I thought we wold have last week. I want to hear from you! I promised I wouldn’t say much, and then literally taught the entire night. It was no mistake, but still, I want to be sure you have a voice.
  • NEXT WEEK: I will be teaching about…HALLOWEEN!!! We will review its origins, its dangers, why FLF does not acknowledge this day in any way, and what you can do when that day arrives. 
  • October 30th: We will begin a new conversation about the authority of the believer. It’s time we learn how to fight spiritual battles with the weapons of war that God has provided for us. 


  • I will be calling a consecration from October 27th to November 3rd. That will cover both Halloween and election day. We will be praying and fasting for our nation. I’ll offer more guidelines to this in the coming week. 
  • Finally, please join us on Saturday to make lunches for Bambi Ortiz from Angel Against Trafficking. We’ll gather at my place where food will be prepared and stored for Angel to go out and provide aid, coupled with the love of Christ.  Doing this should take no longer than an hour, and all supplies will be provided.

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